Thursday, October 7, 2010

My Life as a Piranha

When I was six years old, I started swimming in a competitive summer swim club called the Piranhas. It’s located in my hometown Fort Saskatchewan and it’s been around for more than 50 years. The piranhas really impacted my life in many ways such as, the job I know work at. I am lifeguard at the same pool I was taught to swim and practiced in.
When I first started out in the club, I learned the basics, how to improve your strokes. Then as you grow up you start being taught how to go faster, if you were a sprinter or if you were a distance swimmer, how to pace yourself. Also when you were older, you developed the strokes you were best at and which strokes you would excel at to win. My top and favourite stroke was the breaststroke. I caught on to the concept of breaststroke when I was really little and enjoyed it a lot.
In a competitive swimming club you have what are called swim meets and they are just like hockey tournaments. They are a one day event and at the end certain individuals are rewarded metals for your age groups. When it came to swim meets I got very nervous, even though I was always one of the top swimmers when it came down to it. Even though I was usually at the top of my age category my nerves seemed to always get to me before a race.
What I enjoyed most about the Piranhas is the friends I made and the experience of being such a great swimmer now. I do not know what I would without my knowledge of swimming. If you are interested in joining a summer swim club or any swim club at all I highly recommend it. It is so much fun and great for you.
Thanks for reading bloggers.

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